

 Aureus 1

 Aureus 2

 Scorpio 1

 Scorpio 2

 Scorpio 3

 Orion 1

 Orion 2

 Orion 3

 Orion 4


 Cyalene 1

Cyalene 2


    We frequently find ourselves being asked to identify the classic Helius models. Whilst it is easy to distinguish

     between the Scorpios and Orions, it is  more complicated describing the differences between the 3 Scorpios


     This gallery serves to resolve such queries and to show new customers  how we have evolved.

     Click on any of the models for both images and brief descriptions of the various models.


Std Aurum Aureus 1 Aureus2 Scorpio1 Scorpio2 Scorpio3 Orion Orion2 Orion3 Orion4 Cyalene1 Cyalene2